Dr. Mohammad bin Abdulkarim Al-lssa, Secretary-General of the Muslim World League, 09/11/2020
Makkah Al-Mukarramah – Saudi Arabia
No 67
Date 09/11/2020

of the Muslim World League writes to Gottfried Hutter
Our world is in dire need of prominent figures like you who dedicate their lives to bring peace and stability to the world, your book contains a very valuable lesson about the importance of peace and stability, and this is clearly translated in your efforts to provide mental help to the traumatized refugees. All of us who are capable have an obligation to unite our efforts to offer just and fair solutions to the problems of the world so that a comprehensive peace may prevail.
Since becoming the Secretary-General of the Muslim World League we have spared no effort in combating all forms of hatred around the world. Earlier this year, I have led the first every high-level Muslim delegation to the Auschwitz death camps to show our solidarity to our Jewish brothers on the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the camp and declared to the world that will not allow such atrocities to happen ever again, God willing.
Similarly, we have worked with the Christian leadership all over the world, we have met with the Pope and signed a historic agreement with the Vatican, similarly, we met with the Patriarch Kirill of Moscow, Archbishop of Canterbury, The First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the leadership of the Evangelical community in the US and last year we signed a historic agreement in Paris among the Abrahamic Religions.
We always cherish the opportunity of building bridging of cooperation among the followers of different faiths and cultures and we will be honored to meet Your Excellency once the traveling restrictions imposed due to the pandemic are more favorable.
Best Regards.
of the Muslim World League
Deutsche Übersetzung
Unsere Welt braucht dringend prominente Figuren, die ihr Leben dem Ziel widmen Frieden und Stabilität in die Welt zu bringen; Ihr Buch enthält eine sehr wertvolle Lektion über die Bedeutung von Frieden und Stabilität; und das zeigt sich in Ihrem Bemühen, den traumatisierten Flüchtlingen geistige Hilfe zu bieten.
Damit man auch den letzten Teil des Satzes versteht, könnte erwähnt werden, dass ich jede Woche Psychotherapie für Flüchtlinge aus dem Nahen Osten mache.
Der zweite Teil lobt mein Buch. Der erste Teil bezeichnet mich als eine der herausragenden Figuren, die die Welt braucht, weil sie Frieden und Stabilität in die Welt bringt.
Earlier this year, I have led the first every high-level Muslim delegation to the Auschwitz death camps to show our solidarity to our Jewish brothers on the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the camp and declared to the world that will not allow such atrocities to happen ever again, God willing.
Am Anfang dieses Jahres habe ich die erste muslimische Delegation in die Todeslager von Auschwitz geführt, um am 75. Jahrestag der Befreiung des Lagers unsere Solidarität mit unseren jüdischen Brüdern zu zeigen und der Welt zu erklären, dass wir derartige Scheußlichkeiten niemals mehr zulassen werden, so Gott will.
Muhammad bin Abdul Karim Issa, auch Muhammad bin Abdulkarim Issa bzw. Muhammad bin Abdul Karim Al-Issa (arabisch محمد بن عبد الكريم العيسى, DMG Muḥammad b. ʿAbd al-Karīm al-ʿĪsā; geb. 9. Juni 1965 in Riad, Saudi-Arabien) ist ein saudi-arabischer Politiker. Er ist Generalsekretär der Islamischen Weltliga, Präsident der Internationalen Islamischen Halal-Organisation und ehemaliger saudischer Justizminister.
Muhammad bin Abdul Karim Issa (Arabic: محمد بن عبد الكريم العيسى; born 9 June 1965) is a Saudi Arabian politician, Secretary General of the Muslim World League, President of the International Islamic Halal Organization, and former Minister of Justice.
Al-Issa is considered a leading global voice on moderate Islam as well as a key figure in the fight to combat extremist ideology. Religious leaders and government officials alike have commended Al-Issa for his efforts to promote moderation, and cooperation and coexistence among all people.
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muhammad_bin_Abdul_Karim_Issa
Quelle: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muhammad_bin_Abdul_Karim_Issa